
Sentinel-2 imagery helps Bonaire identify influx of Sargassum
784 301 Mangrove Maniacs Bonaire

By Willy Tjiong and Sander Mücher An abnormal amount of Sargassum brown seaweed invaded the Caribbean islands in the summer of 2011 [1]. Masses of Sargassum mats piled up on…

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Tropical Nursery Research during Lockdown
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Besides the obvious complications of coronavirus, the inability to travel to conduct research has led for the need for researchers to get creative over the past year.  Typically, researchers are…

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Go with the Flo
768 1024 Mangrove Maniacs Bonaire

Written by  Flo Senger, 2021 I was always fascinated by the ocean and its coasts and when I was studying marine sciences the things about to discover seemed to be…

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